Monday, January 19, 2009

American and Ohio Preppers Networks

I was surfing around this afternoon reading some new blogs, and I happened across a post that talks about the American Preppers Network. Looking at their site, they had a link to the Ohio Preppers Network website. Surprise! That site just had a message saying that they are just starting up. I sent Joel, the main driving force behind the Ohio site an email. As soon as I hit send on that email, I look up and POW, there is a new post! I highly recommend checking these sites out! These are a great chance to get in at the beginning of something to share what you know and to learn from others out there.

Now is the time to prepare. You never know what might happen or what is coming down the pike!


riverwalker said...

Thanks for helping promote awareness of the preppers networks. There is strength in numbers and, as our numbers grow, hopefully the level of preparedness will also. Thanks.


LuciferWar said...

Excellent work FarmerGeek. I love that name man. FarmerGeek. ha ha. My kids call me SUPER-NERD. That was a great post pumping up the preppers network. Good job.
-Joel the K